Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dad and brother visit

Last week during Easter my dad and brother Troy came to visit me here in CR!!! I was so excited we had a great time with them and we even had the chance to celebrate Troy Arron's 15th birthday together!! We went zip lining one day and it was a blast. I had so much fun!! Thank you Dad and Troy for the wonderful time together... love you all very much!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Last weekend I had the amazing opportunity to go with 4 other GAP students to a church 2 hrs. away and stay the night with a Tican Family!1! It was amzing, but I totally had no clue what to expect. Well when we got off the bus I started sweating b/c it was so humid compared to San Jose, and didn't stop sweating until the next day when we arrived back in San Jose LOL. I arrived at Guacimo and we had a guy named Carlos there showing us around. He just led us on this dirt road and dropped each of us off at our homes. Then when it came my turn to be dropped of at my home, Carlos said, "See that taxi over there, go get in it and your host family is in the car and will take you to your home." I am not kidding, for a few seconds I was scared b/c I had no clue where I was and no clue who was in the taxi. Once I got in I turned and looked and there sat a mother and 2 lil girls!!! I was so relieved!!! I loved my family so much and the lil girls and I had the best time ever. The mom was a single mother trying to support her two girls ( 3ys old, and 8 yrs. old) I got to be Jesus to this family and it was wonderful. Eventhough, this family had very little they offered the best of what they had to me!! When I first met the lil girl who was only 3 yrs. old I think she was scared of me b/c (obviously I looked like a giant compared to her) she kept saying to her mother in spanish, "We have a white girl living in our house!!" It was sooo cute!! That is one experience in CR I will never forget. Just to see where they live and what they have to do just to get places was incredible. I am so blessed to be a Daughter of the King. I wish everyone had the opportunity to go and stay with a family like this, it truly is unbelievable!!! Here are some pics from my weekend...

Time with my mom :)

The last month here in CR has been absolutely crazy!!! We have been so busy and had the opportunity to do so many cool things!! In March my mom came down and spent 5 days with me!!! I was so thankful that the Lord provided her with the opportunity to come and visit me!! We went too the beach for a few days then we went downtown San Jose a few times as well!! God is so good!!! Thank you mom for coming down we had the time of our lives LOL!!! Love you very much <3